Audio Clips

Audio ClipsVisit this section to hear audio clips of poetry readings, lectures, interviews, songs, and other audio clips related to the work of Paul J. Willis. From Garrison Keillor reading his poetry on The Writer’s Almanac to songwriters composing music to accompany his words, Willis adds his clarion voice to the poetic soundscape.


Paul Willis, Poet of the Wild

An Interview by Gregory Wolfe on The Image Podcast (2017)


Christmas Eve Reading and Conversation

Read by Paul J. Willis on KCSB Radio (2013)

“Just after Groundhog Day”

Read by Paul J. Willis on KDB Radio (2013)

“Common Ground”

Read by Garrison Keillor on The Writer’s Almanac (October 12, 2010 and July 26, 2009)


“When You Walk Through the Waters”

Composed and performed by Jeff Given (2011)