
AnthologiesBelow are anthologies edited by Paul J. Willis on topics ranging from Shakespeare to Advent. Those who enjoy his writings on nature, spirituality, literature, and the poignant and humorous lessons gleaned throughout his trek through life are sure to savor the lovingly selected gems in these collections.

A Radiant Birth: Advent Readings for a Bright Season

A Radiant Birth Book Cover

Every legendary voice in this remarkable collection dares take us closer to the brilliant star, the bleat of sheep, the crackle of straw, and even the blood of birthing to behold with anticipation and awe the remarkable arrival of the saving Jesus. In poems and memories told with astounding personal candor, the Chrysostom Society’s communal exploration of the most holy of births is a brave, amazing gift.
—Patricia Raybon, author of the Annalee Spain Mystery series and I Told the Mountain to Move

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In a Fine Frenzy: Poets Respond to Shakespeare

In a Fine Frenzy: Poets Respond to Shakespeare Book Cover

In a Fine Frenzy follows on the heels of earlier anthologies recording literary responses to Shakespeare, but as editors David Starkey and Paul J. Willis point out in their introduction, there are few books that go beyond what they call “bardolatry,” and most contain more prose than poetry. They also wanted a poetry anthology that was American and contemporary.… Here humor is the mode of engagement for most poets, even when the theme is dark.… Yet there are wholly serious poems too, tender, lyrical, grieving.
—Charlotte Innes, Poetry International

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